Saturday, March 6, 2010

Afghanistan by Dateline

"My oldest son was cut to pieces, my daughter was shot in the head and the chest and she died." Shapero, Mother

Dateline has a comprehensive catalogue of episodes about Afghanistan. They are worth viewing in terms of our Rugmaker studies. They provide a background of the types of experiences and conflicts that have burdened the Afghanii people for centuries. The issues dealt with are heartbreaking and eye opening.

The difficulty of navigating a peace keeping operation in a country torn apart by conflict is tackled in the investigative documentary Questions from Oruzgan by Sophie McNeill. It discusses the validity of a case that involves the death of Afghaniis, including children, at the hands of Australian soldiers during an attack. When considering this piece it is also of interest to reflect on how long it has been since Australia has officially been at war. Can anyone tell me?

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