Sunday, July 10, 2011

60 Minutes - Dammed

In The Secret River the struggles the Aboriginal people faced as the Europeans took control of their land is documented. It is a struggle many groups of people throughout the world have encountered. Inhumanity, racism, discrimination, ignorance, greed, survival, economics, dominance and various other factors have contributed to the poor treatment of native populations throughout history. It is a story that continues for generations as the impacts reverbrate significantly ever after. Much has been and is being done in many countries to acknowledge the suffering and hardship that has occurred due to the invasion of indigenous communities and their lands. What has happened cannot be undone, but it can be acknowledged and humanity can move forward. In terms of the context, Encountering Conflict, it might make one wonder how modern society, if put in the position of coming upon an established tribe of indigenous people, would handle the situation. Unfortunately, one does not need to research much to find the same devastating conquer and destroy story of the past at play today.

Allison Langdon's 60 Minutes story 'Dammed' tells of the Kayapo Indians fight for survival in Brazil. They face an uncertain future as the Brazilian government prepares to turn their home into a hydro dam. The story makes compelling viewing as Langdon investigates the situation, leading to the revelation that the vulnerable Kayapo are knowingly being dismissed and treated as lesser, just as the Australian Aboriginal and other native populations have been in the past. Thankfully some hope for change is instigated by Langdon's story, alongside the campaigning of Christina G Mittermeier, James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver. The Kayapo have a voice that is being heard the world over. Hopefully, they will have an outcome where they are listened to and respected.

(A variety of writing pieces could be inspired this topic, leave any ideas that come to mind as a comment. View the story at

Amazon dammed - Images by Cristina Mittermeier

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You S/N Task - Exploring the Context

Aim to create four posts for The Secret River . You need to complete a post for the Picture Panic, Text Tremors, Film Flogging and Music Matters areas of the blog.

The posts will discuss articles of your choice. Your discussion should consider the article in relation to the context of Encountering Conflict and highlight any connections between The Secret River and the article. Include an idea for a piece of writing the material might inspire - note the form and audience for the piece.

So, have a go. Don't panic about doing it right or wrong, in this case it's about the discussion we can generate and the ideas that will put us in a strong position from which to tackle the SACs and exam.  If you see something put up by someone else that gets you thinking leave them a comment. If you come across something that inspires you in regards to The Rugmaker put a post up about that too. Good Luck.