Elders with Andrew Denton is a show that often discusses themes and ideas of encountering conflict. A recent interview with Muhammad Yunnus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, deals with the issue of poverty in our world. Links to both our Context texts can be seen. The discussion considers the culture shock Yunnus encountered when he moved from Bangladesh to America. The characters in The Secret River and The Rugmaker also deal with such situations. He also comments on the links between poverty and terrorism and how the global community needs to work together to overcome the disparity in distribution of wealth that shapes our world. How differences between people and intolerance of others can cause conflict is a recurring theme throughout history and our texts and should be considered in your exploration of the Context.
An interesting observation by Yunnus is, 'Poverty is a breeding ground for all kinds of terrorism, all kinds of violence because it breeds frustrations and you become impatient to break through and if something happens and yes somebody says here is the gun, take this gun we will give you food, immediately you accept that because food is so important. Here is the gun we will give you a good life, I take it because I don't want to rot in this place. So it's easy. I am not saying that explains everything but it's easy. The more you can take people out of poverty, there's more chance that you'll achieve peace or less violence or you reduce terrorism'.
Muhammad Yunnus: 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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